Are ADHD and Autism Related?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism can present in very similar ways. Children and teens with either disorder can have difficulty focusing, struggle with impulsivity, and have a hard time communicating. They may also experience problems at school with schoolwork and relationships both in and outside of school. Difficulty concentrating, inability to focus on…

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How To Tell If Your Child Has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic and complex neurodevelopmental disorder that can have significant impact on a child’s success during school and beyond. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects millions of children and for many will continue into adulthood. This condition s characterized by multiple persistent problems including difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive…

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Talking With Your Troubled Teen? Keep These Tips In Mind

Parenting a teenager is never easy, even during the best of times. As the COVID-19 pandemic marches across the globe, it is certainly reasonable to say that these are not the best of times. Throughout the majority of the United States, most states have enacted stay at home orders and outlined social distancing guidelines in…

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Picky Eating and Parenting

Picky eating is something that most parents are familiar with. If you’ve ever sat at the dinner table trying to coax their toddler to eat just one piece of broccoli, or trying to blackmail their teenager to eat their vegetables before they escape to play video games, you’ll know the problem all-too-well. Many children go…

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Your Rebellious Teen & Mental Health

Teenagers come in all shapes and sizes and so does their behavior. Some teens never seem to get in trouble and are always the go-to person when an example of good behavior needs to be set. Other teens seem to the ones who push the behavior envelope to the point of being unruly and rebellious.…

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The BPD Relationship Cycle

ƒRelationships can be challenging even under the best of circumstances. When a relationship is new, it is often full of hope and anticipation about the future. What will the coming days, weeks, and months bring? Is this “the one”? Often, images of the future full your mind, and optimism and excitement run wild. Sometimes a…

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What Is the Difference Between ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

At some point, when they are young, most children will act up and have trouble behaving, focusing, and paying attention in general. This is especially true for children in preschool and elementary school as they begin to experience the day to day distractions if interacting with friends and all of the other stimuli associated with…

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Subtle Signs of Self-Harm

Self-harm is most simply defined as when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body through various means. Yes, there are other types of destructive self-harm which can include a wide variety of emotional destructive behaviors however, the most common type of self-harm recognized by parents, teachers and the medical community is physical self-harm. Generally, self-harm…

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How Divorce May Affect Your Teenager

Divorce could be a challenging time for a family. Not only do the parents realize new ways of relating to each other, however, but they’re also learning new means to parent their kids. When parents separate, the impacts of divorce on kids, especially teenagers, can vary. Some teenagers react to divorce in an understanding and…

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Brief Psychotic Disorder: What You Need To Know

Brief psychotic disorder is described as an impaired relationship with reality. It is a symptom of severe mental disorders. Adults or teens who are experiencing this disorder may experience either delusions or hallucinations. Hallucinations are tactile experiences that happen when a real stimulus is absent. For instance, an individual having an auditory hallucination may hear…

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